Helping Since 1982
Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service has been working with families and individuals affected by disaster since 1982. Our disaster services and outreach has expanded over the years to meet the needs of our local communities as well as our neighbors in other parts of the nation during floods, tornadoes, fires, and even hurricanes. NEED HELP? Call us at the Care Service (636) 441-1302.
First-Responder for Disaster Recovery
The Care Service is a first-responder, frequently called upon to assist in the immediate and long-term coordination of community-wide disaster efforts. We have a broad spectrum of knowledge and unique perspective in disaster services which enables us to serve families effectively. We are intimately involved in all four phases of the disaster response cycle:
Preparedness: We are a member of the Community Emergency Response Team for St. Charles.
Response: We have a network of people in place to quickly mobilize when disaster occurs.
Recovery: Our programs are designed to help survivors rebuild their lives materially, physically, socially, and psychologically.
Mitigation: Risk assessment and long-term prevention of disasters is an integral part of what we do to help those we serve.
The psychological impact disasters cause can be potentially serious and long-lasting. Those affected are encouraged to review and assess how they and their families are recovering.
Long Term Recovery Committees
The Care Service has been instrumental in setting into motion Long Term Recovery Committees (LTRC) in several local counties affected by disasters. LTRCs work to assist families with the recovery process. This process is on-going, extensive and challenging for the families. It necessitates the caseworker's concern, commitment, and knowledge of assisting families.
Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service is an advocate which seeks to provide services and outreach for the affected families while upholding the dignity of each individual.
Member of the Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD)

Become a Program Sponsor
Help us help those families and individuals affected by disasters.
Please contact us to help and learn more about the benefits of becoming a Care Service Partner. Call (636) 441-1302, extension 263.
Want to Help?
Financial contributions are accepted throughout the year. Donations may be dropped off Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm or mailed to 4116 McClay Road, St. Charles, MO 63304. Donations are also accepted online via this website.
If you have questions about donations, please contact us at (636) 441-1302, ext. 263.
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