Jake’s Story
- Chapter 3 -
The van is fixed! Dad finally got the part he needed. He said he is going to take us to the river this weekend to throw rocks and have a picnic. And that’s not even the best news—we found a new house! Miss Jill’s work is going to help us pay for the house. Miss Jill told Dad that the Care Service could pay for the deposit and a few months of rent. She helped Dad fill out the paperwork for the rent and to help with utilities because he can’t read or write, and she brought diapers for the girls. She also brought dad a gift card to buy gas for the van so he could save some of his money, and told him about Parents As Teachers and Early Head Start that will come into the house to play with the girls each week. It’s kind of like school for little kids. Dad was having a hard time getting his medicine, so Miss Jill talked to Medicaid to see what was wrong. All dad needed to do was pay $6, and he was able to get all of his medicine which made him feel a lot better. Every time Miss Jill visits they work on a budget and a plan so we don’t have to live with Aunt Carrie again.

Watch for more of Jake’s story to be released on July 14th.
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